Gyms and COVID-19

Some states in the United States are now reopened at 100% capacity. The virus that we know now as COVID-19 originally broke out in China, then rapidly spread around the world and it’s ongoing to this day. In March of 2020, the entire US shut down. Gyms got shuttered as well as most In New York State, the gyms reopened on August 27, 2020. What I found from that time on was that people were not coming back to the gym. Some did, but gyms lost money since it was shuttered for 7 months. In California, they reopened in April of this year, 2021. To make up for that, they started to charge more money for a gym membership. People aren’t going to just fork out money for this. Also, the commuting and waiting around for equipment when getting there is really a hassle. So that’s a reason to why HPLL Fitness was created for.


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